As the weather gets warmer in the spring, plants and fungi begin appearing and adders emerge from hibernation. Garden lawns may be treated with chemicals to improve their growth. Chocolate is also available in abundance over Easter.
The adder is the only native venomous snake in the UK. With the rise in temperature during the months of March and April the snakes emerge from hibernation. They are not aggressive but will bite if provoked. The venom can result in rapid swelling around the bite with pain, lethargy, and collapse. There is also the risk of more severe signs. The adder is a protective species so leave it where it is and do not attempt to catch it.
Chocolate contains a chemical that dogs do not tolerate well. White chocolate is generally not a risk but milk chocolate and even a relatively small amount of dark chocolate can cause agitation, excitability, tremors, convulsions, and heart problems. Easter eggs and other chocolate products are often very attractive to dogs.
Fertilizers including bonemeal are commonly used in spring and autumn and although of relatively low toxicity they can cause gastrointestinal upset and irritation to the skin.
These contain raisins and sultanas. Ingestion of even a small amount of dried fruit can cause severe kidney failure.
These generally contain fertilizer, weed killers and ferrous sulphate (iron) to kill moss. All the chemicals are irritant and can cause gastrointestinal upset, and there is also the risk of iron poisoning which can result in severe gastrointestinal signs, shock, and liver failure.
Fungi produce their fruit (mushrooms and toadstools) in the autumn when the weather is wet and mild. Some fungi cause gastrointestinal signs, while others can cause hallucinations and behavioural changes, however, some are extremely toxic and can cause delayed kidney and liver failure.
There are thousands of species, and they can be difficult to identify without expert knowledge. If your pet has eaten a mushroom and there is some left, take photos of it including where it is growing and the underneath as there are features on the underside that are important for identification. Dig it up and take it to your vets and if your pet vomits collect this taking care to protect yourself.
Pets may chew or eat spring flowers that appear as the weather becomes warmer. These include snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, and tulips which maybe growing in the garden or available in the home as cut flowers. In general, these cause gastrointestinal upset, and some animals may require treatment to control vomiting and replace lost fluids.
-Store products in their original containers out of sight and out of reach of pets
-Ensure storage cupboard doors are closed securely
-Replace the tops of containers securely after use
-Clean up spills promptly
-If you pet is licking or chewing as their paws after walking on a treated lawn, try and wash their paws to prevent ingestion of any garden chemicals
-At Easter do not leave Easter eggs or other chocolate products lying around
If you think your pet has been poisoned contact us immediately on 01444 440224