Repeat Prescriptions

Ordering Prescriptions for Your Pet

Order your pet’s repeat prescription via PetsApp with the button below. Alternatively, please complete the form below or call us on 01444 440 224.

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Depending on your pet’s condition, and the medication you are requesting it may be necessary for us to examine your pet in order to be able to prescribe further medication to them. We can only prescribe to animals under our care and have to satisfy ourselves that this is the case before prescribing. Time periods between rechecks may vary depending on the condition being treated; in some cases, certain medications can only be prescribed at the time of a physical examination. Please ensure that you order any medication before you run out and if asked to book a consultation do so promptly to help us help you look after your pet.

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Your Details

Your Pet's Details

Prescription Item (1)

Prescription Item (2)

Prescription Item (3)

Additional Information

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