On 31st January we had a stray tortie brought into us that was found in Haywards Heath. She had been seen around the area for a few days, so the lady thought it was best to bring her in. On scanning we traced the owners all the way to Bexhill.
The cat had been missing from her home in Bexhill since the 17th December 2023 and despite numerous social media posts the owners had no luck in finding her.
Luckily, she arrived here at our practice safe, and sound is now back in Bexhill where she belongs.
Read Pacha’s story here which her owner kindly sent us…
Pacha is ten years old and born feral locally to us here in Bexhill on our friends’ farm, she was the runt of the litter and not doing too well. Given to us as a tiny week kitten, along with another from a different litter, she was nursed back to full health and took up residency on our livery yard at home.
Before she was spayed, Pacha had four beautiful kittens, two gingers, a grey, and her tortie double. We kept them all! Pacha and her son, George, live at our stables, preferring the outdoor lifestyle but with all the attention the liveries can bestow upon them and two big meals a day, that don’t seem to hinder their hunting instincts!
Being used to using a cat flap here to access their brick-built yard, dining-room and bedroom seems to have stood Pacha in good stead to make sure she had food and comfort while on her adventure!
How did she end up in Haywards Heath, 37 miles away from her lifelong home? As far as we know, her adventure started on 17th December 2023. Can anyone fill in the gaps between her leaving and being brought into Oathall Vets on the 31st January 2024 by a caring and concerned fellow cat owner, to check for a chip?
Without a microchip, we would never have been reunited with our much-loved pet. Thank goodness for the technology and it just goes to show how important it is to have your cat microchipped and to ensure that those details are kept up-to-date.
As soon as I knew Pacha was missing, I double checked all the details on the microchip register were correct and registered her as missing. I have today spent a good half an hour updating all the posts I’d put on social media on all the missing cat groups, to say she’s back! And of course letting the microchip register know she’s home, safe and well.
We want to say a huge thank you to the lady who took the time and trouble to have her chip checked and a huge shout out to Oathall vets for keeping her safe until we could get there and for taking such good care of her.
On the way home from the vets today she travelled beautifully and slept in her box on my lap all the way home. Very relaxed.
She settled into the tack room with food, water, bed and litter where we will keep her overnight, to get her used to her bearings again. She hissed at her son which wasn’t what we’d expected!! We hope they fall in love with each other again before we let her out properly!
Best wishes
Pacha’s Owner