surgeries Treatments at Oathall

Surgery at Oathall Vets

Dedicated to your pet’s well-being

Our team of compassionate and highly skilled veterinary surgeons have the medical and surgical experience to perform all routine surgeries and many non-routine procedures on site.

In addition to our team we have visiting veterinary surgeons who can perform advanced or specialised procedures in orthopaedics, endoscopy, ophthalmology and dermatology. This means that your pet can often be treated locally, and more cost effectively, than having to travel to a referral centre elsewhere. If your pet is registered at another veterinary practice and you think we may be able to help please ask your vet to contact us as we are very happy to see patients on an outpatient referral basis.

If your pet requires surgery or has a complicated health problem our team has the skills to treat them safely and we will provide an estimate of cost before treatment commences. Just like NHS doctors our vets undertake regular CPD training, ensuring that your pet receives the very best veterinary treatments available.

Meet our team

How it all works

Routine surgery is carried out on weekdays by teams of vets and nurses and animals are usually admitted at the beginning of the day. In most cases, they are ready to go home in the afternoon or early evening.


Pre-surgery procedure

Before you entrust your pet to our care you will be fully briefed on the surgery and what home care is required after the operation. This is done in the admission appointment.


Here for you and your pet

We require your consent in writing and any final questions you have about the procedure can be answered at this time. You will be given a time to phone in to check on your pet’s recovery.


Getting your best friend back home

Your pet will be discharged by a nurse or vet who will provide you with further details of the operation and the post-operative care required.